
Saturday, December 21, 2013

etoh abuse pathophysiology

etoh abuse pathophysiology

Several neuron-behavioural effects of alcohol abuse (etoh abuse) have been related to the development of alcohol dependence. The pleasurable and stimulant effects of alcohol are mediated by a dopamine pathway projecting from the ventral segmental area to the nucleus encumbers. [2] Repeated, excessive alcohol ingestion sensitizes this pathway and leads to the development of dependence. Long-term exposure to alcohol causes adaptive changes in several neurotransmitter systems, including down-regulation of inhibitory neuronal gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors, up-regulation of excitation glutamate receptors, and increased central nor-epinephrine (noradrenaline) activity.

Discontinuation of alcohol ingestion leaves this excitatory state unopposed, resulting in the nervous system hyperactivity and dysfunction that characterize alcohol withdrawal. It has also been suggested that withdrawal symptoms intensify as withdrawal episodes grow in number, a phenomenon called 'kindling'.

Continuing to clarify the specific neurotransmitters associated with both the behavioral effects of alcohol and the development of alcohol dependence may yield potential targets for drug therapy to treat dependence.

Etoh Abbreviation

Etoh Abbreviation

Medical abbreviation: Etoh stands for the word alcohol addiction. For further information please visit the main page of the blog. Thank you for reading.

Monday, September 30, 2013

What is etoh abuse

What is etoh abuse?

Etoh abuse is a term use for alcohol addicted people. ETOH stands for ethanol. It is a common term used in medical histories to designate alcoholic beverages. When combined in the term 'ETOH abuse', it usually refers to a patient's history of over consumption of alcoholic beverages such as beer or hard liquor.

Alcohol addiction or etoh abuse causes numerous overall health troubles. The most extreme and most significant dilemma is Cirrhosis of the liver. When this dilemma occurs, it is incurable. Other organs affected consist of the pancreas, stomach, throat, esophagus, and the brain. Excessive alcohol intake has been linked to cancers of these organs.

Signs and Symptoms of Etoh Abuse

etoh abuse
If an individual exhibits any of the manifestations of etoh abuse, this may be a sign that they have a problem with alcohol that is growing out of control. Additionally, an individual who abuses alcohol may not be able to control the amount that he drinks, may experience blackouts during drinking spells, or may become irritable or depressed when alcohol is not available. Other behaviors of concern include surreptitious drinking; binge drinking; hiding alcohol in unusual places around the home, at work or in the car; and frequent unexplained injuries.

Treatment of Etoh Abused Person

Successful treatment of alcohol abuse requires a multidisciplinary approach with services to meet an individual's psychological, social, medical and behavioral needs. Psychological services should be geared toward addressing the patient's motivation for drinking; any denial about her drinking problem should be faced directly. Social services for alcohol abusers include Alcoholics Anonymous or other self-help programs, religious services, and occupational programs to help reduce work stress in order to cut down on drinking.Social services for etoh abusers include Alcoholics Anonymous or other self-help programs, religious services, and occupational programs to help reduce work stress in order to cut down on drinking.

What is Etoh Withdrawal?

What is Etoh Withdrawal?

ETOH is an acronym for Ethyl Alcohol. It is also know as ethanol treatement. Etoh withdrawal is withdrawal from alcohol. The normal ETOH level is 162 mg/dL. Our first post covers Etoh abuse in detail.

The Chemical Name For Etoh?

In common language, Etoh or Alcohol refers to drinking alcohol or addiction to Alcohol, or ethyl alcohol, abbreviated Etoh. It has the chemical formula C2H5OH.